New Land Confiscation in Wadi FoquinThe village recently learned that plans are underway for more land confiscation in the Wadi Foquin to make way for the construction of an apartheid road to develop the settlement infrastructure. Photo of map shows the route of the proposed settler only road which will cut through the eastern portion of Wadi Foquin. The blue shaded areas show the current footprint of settlements surrounding the village. The beige shaded areas are Paletistinian villages including Wadi Foquin located adjacent to the green line. An advocacy campaign is being organized to stop this latest land confiscation. Please contact Rev. Michael Yoshii, Friends of Wadi Foquin – Co-Chair at [email protected] for more information and/or your support.
Webinar SeriesFriends of Wadi Foquin began a webinar series to address the land confiscation issue. A first webinar was held on June 12th featuring voices from the village including Ata Manasra, Sajida Mujahid, and Adam Manasra.
Also see a recording of our second webinar, concentrating on the ongoing Nakba, which was held on July 10th. |
Yousef Manasra Memorial ScholarshipAt the 10th anniversary celebration of Friends of Wadi Foquin in December 2019, we announced the establishment of the Yousef Manasra Memorial Scholarship Fund. These funds will provide scholarship support for those wishing to participate in our pilgrimages as well as support for those coming to visit us from Wadi Foquin. Donations can be made by check to BMU-FOWF with “YMMSF” in the memo line (mail to Jean Hart, FOWF Treasurer, 730 Tree Top Lane, Auburn, CA 95603). Yousef can be seen in webinar photo above, as he faces the settlement of Betar Illit from his home. He vowed to never be displaced by the confiscation of village land encroaching upon the homes of Wadi Foquin.
Planning for Next PilgrimageAre you interested in joining a trip to visit Wadi Foquin and the Holy Land? Plans are underway for a next trip pending the opening of travel to the region. For more information contact Rev. Mike Friedrich [email protected] or Rev. Emily Lin [email protected] Co-Chairs of our Engagement Circle.
Read two articles written by Katharine Samway about the Abu Shehadeh visit to the Bay Area. |
Economic Development Fund Friends of Wadi Foquin has shifted the funds dedicated for the Guest House Project to support a new Economic Development Fund. With the Covid-19 pandemic and the shut down of tourism, the Guest House Project was postponed. As Covid-19 also dramatically impacted the financial lives of residents in Wadi Foquin, the decision was made to re-allocate funds to support economic needs in the village. Funds will support project proposals from residents of Wadi Foquin that serve the collective interests of the village. Proposals will be facilitated through the Narjes Community Development Committee.
Donations for general support or specific projects/funds can be made to Friends of Wadi Foquin in two ways:
Study CircleRev. Naomi Southard [email protected] and Linda Weingarten [email protected] are Co-Chairs for the Friends of Wadi Foquin “Study Circle.” Please contact for more information.
Ways to Support Wadi Foquin
- Prayer - commit to praying for Wadi Foquin, its concerns and needs. Contact Rev. Michael Yoshii at [email protected].
- Engagement - organize and promote community events that highlight Wadi Foquin and Israel/Palestine issues. Contact Rev. Emily Lin at [email protected] or Rev. Mike Friedrich at [email protected].
- Advocacy - participate in campaigns prompted by Wadi Foquin. Contact Rev. Michael Yoshii at [email protected].
- Study - organize opportunities for study on Palestine/Israel. Contact Rev. Naomi Southard at [email protected] or Linda Weingarten at [email protected].
- Giving - fundraise for Wadi Foquin projects, campaigns, and needs. Contact Jean Hart at [email protected].

Wadi Foquin is the site of a community development project supported through the United Methodist Church's General Board of Global Ministries (Advance project #3021565). A resolution supporting Wadi Foquin was passed at the church's May 2016 General Conference acknowledging the challenges of settlement expansion and recent land confiscation orders. The resolution calls for accountability from the Israeli government for the destruction of land and life in Wadi Foquin. It also calls on U.S. officials to contact the Israeli government to immediately halt the illegal Israeli settlements and confiscation of Palestinian land.
Wadi Foquin is the site of a community development project supported through the United Methodist Church's General Board of Global Ministries (Advance project #3021565). A resolution supporting Wadi Foquin was passed at the church's May 2016 General Conference acknowledging the challenges of settlement expansion and recent land confiscation orders. The resolution calls for accountability from the Israeli government for the destruction of land and life in Wadi Foquin. It also calls on U.S. officials to contact the Israeli government to immediately halt the illegal Israeli settlements and confiscation of Palestinian land.